Deviz Lucrari Constructii Pdf

  1. Deviz Lucrari Constructii Pdf Download
  2. Model Situatie De Lucrari
  3. Deviz Lucrari Constructii Pdf Free
+373 22 003 999

Uneia/mai multor constructii existente, inclusiv instalatiile aferente, astfel cum sunt prevazute in Legea nr. 10/1995 privind calitatea in constructii, republicata, efectuate in scopul asigurarii, mentinerii si/sau imbunatatirii cerintelor fundamentale aplicabile constructiilor, potrivit destinatiei acestora; Hotarare nr. Calculati sporul ce trebuie aplicat preturilor articolelor de deviz pentru a ajunge la o valoare. EDevize - program gratuit pentru devize in constructii.

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Estimated value without VAT 443 536 MDL
Period of clarifications:16 Jul 2020, 14:03 - 21 Jul 2020, 15:00
Submission of proposals:21 Jul 2020, 15:00 - 28 Jul 2020, 10:00

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4523, MOLDOVA, Dubăsari, s.Roghi, s.Roghi,str.Nistreana 18
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MTender ID
45200000-9 - Lucrări de construcţii complete sau parţiale şi lucrări publice
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Documents of the procurement procedure
caiet de sarcini.signed.pdfcaiet de sarcini.signed.pdf
duae 2020.doc
anunt part.signed.pdfanunt part.signed.pdf
doc standard lucrari.docx

Deviz Lucrari Constructii Pdf Download

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Model Situatie De Lucrari

Deviz lucrari constructii pdf in excel
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Deviz Lucrari Constructii Pdf Free

Description: Program devize constructii, devize oferta, situatii de lucrari, etc. Functioneaza sub Windows XP. Exporta date catre Excel si Primavera Project Planner. Download Demo Gratuit. English: X-DEV = Software for Construction and Related Industries. Cost Estimating, Acounting for Material, Labour, Equipment and Transport, Purchase Orders, Project Management (using Primavera Project Planner (c) ). FREE download demo version.NOTE: This software aims the Romanian Construction Companies.
Keywords: program, devize, DEVIZ, oferta, oferte, lucrari, CONSTRUCTII, instalatii, pret, preturi, MATERIAL , MANOPERA, UTILAJ, norma, norme, extrase, resurse, inflatie, SITUATII LUCRARI, INFLATIE, X-DEV, XDEV, situatie, indici, licitatii, licitatie, oferta, oferte, publica, proiectare, arhitectura, case, vile, SOFTWARE, COST ESTIMATING SOFTWARE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY
Tags:dev, devize, program, lucrari, oferta, situatii, constructii, deviz, x, support, doesn, pachetul, programe, browser, uses, page, frames, index, contructii, software, construction, project, oferte, inflatie, material, cost, estimating,

Content Revalency: Title: 33.33% Description: 5.66% Keywords: 8.33% | Document size: 5,201 bytes
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DMOZ Information
Program devize construcţii şi instalaţii pentru întocmirea devizelor ofertă (la licitaţii), a situaţiilor de lucrări şi pentru urmărirea producţiei. Se poate evalua gratuit versiunea Demo.
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X-DEV.RO - Site Location
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DateMon, 18 Apr 2011 11:27:12 GMT