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Setting up Procite | Accessing MARQCAT

Setting up ProCite’s Z39.50 Connection Feature

Once in ProCite, click on Tools and then Internet Search.

Click on the Hosts button on the left hand side of the screen.

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Click on the Configure Hosts button on the lower left portion of the pop-up screen.

Click on the New Host button on the right hand side of the screen.

On the next pop-up screen, type in the following information for each field:

Host Name: Marquette University
Domain Name or IP Address:
Port Number: 210
Library Type: Academic
Location: USA

Example of completed Host Properties screen.

Click the OK button.

Marquette University will now appear in the list of hosts on the left side of the screen and the 'Database Properties' screen should appear. (Example below)

On the 'Database Properties' screen, type in the following information in the appropriate fields:
Database Name:
(please note: INNOPAC must be ALL in caps.)
Library Catalog

For Record option, choose USMarc.

For Format option, choose USMarc.


In the boxes listed under the category Search Attributes, type in/choose the following information in the appropriate fields:

Note: For the category FIELD TYPE, you do NOT need to type in Author (Last First M) and Generic for the categories as listed above. Merely click into the FIELD TYPE box, and a list of choices will pop up. Choose the listings that are entered above.

Example of completed Database Properties screen.

Click the OK button on the bottom of the screen.

You have now completed configuring the ProCite Z39.50 connection file to access and search the MARQCAT database. You will only need to complete the above instructions once in the beginning.

Accessing MARQCAT with ProCite’s Z395.30 Software Interface

Once you have followed the above instructions and have created and added the Marquette University Library Catalog option in ProCite’s list of Connection Hosts and databases, you can then use this option to search Marqcat and add selected Marqcat records directly to a newly created ProCite database. The following steps outline this procedure:

Upon entering the ProCite program, open the database that you wish the Marqcat records to be added to, or if you wish the records to be added to a brand new ProCite database, click on the File button and then New. Name your new ProCite database file.

Click on Tools, and then, Internet Search.

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If Marquette University is NOT listed as Host on this screen, click on the Hosts button on the left hand side of the screen. Uncheck whatever library catalog has its box currently checked, and then, click on the box for Marquette University Library catalog.

Click on the OK button on the lower right hand side of the screen.

Select the categories (author, title, subject, word) that you wish to search the MARQCAT online catalog.

When you are done retrieving MARQCAT records, which you wish to directly enter into the ProCite database, click on File in the upper right hand corner of the screen, and then Save As. A pop-up screen will appear. You can now save the records in a NEW ProCite database. You will need to give this database a name. Type in the name of your database (do NOT give the file name an extension – ProCite will automatically add a .PDT extension to your file name.)

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If you wish to ADD these records to another currently existing ProCite database, then you will need to MARK the records that you want to add to the database. (If you wish to copy all of the records, there is a “MARK LIST” button on the upper left hand of the screen. Once all of your listings are marked (checkbox to the left of the citation name will have an X in it), then click on the COPY MARKED button which is located on the mid top portion of the ProCite screen. A pop-up window will appear and from this window, you will be able to highlight the currently existing ProCite database that you wish these newly retrieved and marked records to be added into.